
Showing posts from October, 2023

Russula emetica

 Russula emetica, The Sickener ... both the common name and the scientific name say it very clearly: these are not lollipops! As long as you spit out a sample of any of the red brittlegills, taste testing will not result in sickness - but your tongue may tingle for a while if you sample any of the peppery hot ones. Make a meal of Russula emetica, however, and you can expect to feel very poorly indeed for quite a few days. (First Nature)

Cortinarius rubellus

Cortinarius rubellus, commonly known as the deadly webcap, is a species of fungus in the family Cortinariaceae, native to high-latitude temperate to subalpine forests of Eurasia and North America. Within the genus it belongs to a group known as the Orellani, all of which are highly toxic. Eating them results in kidney failure, which is often irreversible. (Wikipedia).